The Rowing App

The Rowing App is the go-to rowing app for rowers and coaches created by former US Junior National Team coxswain, Wyatt Harrell. The...

1 minute read

Eco-Soap Bank

Eco-Soap Bank is a humanitarian and environmental non-profit organization working to save, sanitize, and supply recycled hotel soap for the developing world. Lack of...

1 minute read

Color Convert

Color Convert lets you easily convert Hex & RGB color values to UIColor. Copy code snippets in Swift, Objective-C, and Xamarin. Color Convert supports...

1 minute read

Conway's Game of Life

The Game of Life, also known simply as Life, is a cellular automaton devised by the British mathematician John Horton Conway...

2 minute read

Retake Camera App

Retake is a custom camera app built using AVFoundation, ARKit, MapKit, and Core Data to allow users to create perfect time-lapses without the need...

1 minute read

How-To Tutorials

As my second building exercise at Lambda School, I worked in a cross-functional team of web developers, data scientists, and iOS...

2 minute read

Simple Home Calculator

As my first building exercise at Lambda School, I teamed up with a classmate of mine to tackle building a full...

2 minute read

Nametag: Name Your Phone

You carry around a luggage tag for when you lose your suitcase, why not do the same for when you lose your phone? Nametag...

2 minute read

Linkbook: Bookmarking Manager

Linkbook is a powerful web-app that can store your favorite links and keep you organized. Linkbook does all the work for...

1 minute read

iStats: iMessage Statistics

iStats is a web-app that allows users to see statistics based on their sent iMessages. It was written in Python and...

1 minute read